a little note...i don't have prepared nothing, this is the reason why you don't recived nothing!!! I want proceed sloooooooowllllyyyy...well i would like to remember the only way to get one access to private blog, send a simple mail at
musicloveragainstdeleter @ gmail.com
and tell me who you are...i don't need your personal info (obiviously) but only your nickname when you posted some comments here (i would like to add these people but i don't know how reach them... i talk about "Yann" "ummagumma" di cui ho perso l'email :x, "Thierry", "Slyefocks", "Regolo", "Quarkboy", "Pietre", "'orenoose", "misongod", "Mina", "Kosice", "Kingpossum", Jan, "Jargon King","Henry the 7/8","Gusfo", "Eduardo Martins", "Dicducfacfer",Barmaleyy, "RegEx"o RexGe sbaglio sempre, "Chris" from Greece, "Bri", "Mary"& "Sithlord"from hungary, "M.C.KE ","Chris C." from Los Angeles, CA., OldProgRocker, "Eric", "D.Moose ", "Lhasa Crawler ")
I would like to thanks these people for they words in the past year...
...Stay tuned...more info on the way...!