Ottimo!!!bello sto disco!è un hard blues psych con un voaclist che ricorda molto Janis Joplin!!!ovviamente la voce è calda e suadente ma anche dura e appassionata (non sembra a vederla sulla copertina!!!)
Hi folks!this is a gem!great harb blues with a female lead singer in the vein of janis joplin (so...with hard, strong and great vocals!)
Mama Lion - Give It Everything I've Got(1973 blues)
Come immaginerete il tutto non si discosta dal precedente post della stessa "mama", e la miscela proposta è quella di un solido hard blues sempre in vena "Janis Joplin"...Sul livello qualitativo tutte e 2 i dischi sono di pari livello anche se nel circuito delle vendite penso abbia "tirato"più il primo... forse per le tette in copertina?!?!? a voi!
9 commenti:
hello again!thanks for this great album!bye
Hi man,
I think the 1st album of Lynn Carey is best. Unfortunately, I have it on Magnetic Tape. So, if you can get it it will be great.
Of course I'm speaking about C.K. Strong and not Mama Lion
BBA Zizou France
Coooool. Thank you for this
I found one of Mama Lion albums at a used record store awhile back for a buck. I was shocked at how good it was. I hope think one is just as good. By the way...does anybody out there knows whatever happen to Lynn Carey??
- D.Moose
she's suppose to have her own website but i don't find it anymore, maybe it's closed or maybe she will construct another site.
we have to search sometimes in google to matbe find it.
Jeez I'd give her something.....
would like to download some of your music but all I get are popups, your page is hijacked by ads unless I stop loading before is done, no links work, megaupload opens but stops, never goes to link, I do not have any problems with megaupload from other blogs, only this one
OK, got it, megaupload was not getting 'return' from mouseclick, had to hit -enter- key to get downlink
thanks, for posts, KT
Hi kt!
what???i don't have any of this trouble!i never heard of this problems!btw did you get the link on megaupload pages?
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